This year was the first year that WOD Powders entered a team in to WODLAND. To give you an insight in to what WODLAND is about, think Crossfit in woods!

The competition, now in its fourth year, will see mixed teams of 6 (3 guys, 3 girls) battle it out in 8 workouts across the weekend. The top 12 teams will then face off against each other in a final workout to try and claim a place on the WODland winners’ podium.

WODLAND 2024 WOD Powders

It's held in a unique hidden tree-lined arena, set in the middle of a Yorkshire pine forest outside of Holmfirth in West Yorkshire. WODland will have plenty of food, drink and music to amplify the atmosphere.

The WOD Powders team consisted of Ryan Barrett, Ben Cole, Lottie Woodall, Anita Mcartney, Tom Seed & Mairead Corrigan.

Day 1 consisted of 5ft hurdles, wall balls, worm thrusters, toes 2 bar, rope climbs, bear crawls and mountain biking!

You can watch the day 1 highlight reel here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CwccVRlArDV/

WODLAND Mountain Biking

Team WOD Powders were sat in 7th place our of 74 teams after day 1. The goal was to make it to the final (Top 12).

Day 2 kicked off with a 5km run (3km whilst carrying a 10ft tree) and then the next 2 events consisted of kettlebell swings, rope pulls, log lunges, sandbag carries, worm squats & worm deadlifts.

Team WOD Powders finished event number 7 in 5th place going in to the final. The final was a real test of Crossfit: worm, sandbag squats, wall balls, burpees, bar muscle ups & handstand walks. We went out in style winning the WODland final! Such a strong effort from the whole team, what a weekend!

You can watch the day 2 highlight reel here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CwemJ3UNCXt/


In light of being in a forest for 2 days we thought it was appropriate to drop our new flavour WOD FUEL: Forest Fruits!

Teaming up with No Rep UK Apparel– a provider of quality CrossFit and Lifestyle apparel our intra workout powder is the ideal accompaniment to your training if you are looking to enhance your performance, aid your recovery and smash your training goals.

WOD FUEL Forest Fruits

See you at WODLAND next year!